Intellectual Property is that mix of intangible assets of a business: the domain names, the website, the logo, the brand, the know-how, the technology, the copyright, patents and more.
The value in these assets grows every year as social media lifts the importance of everything online and digital. If you come to sell up or sell on, the value in your intellectual property will be an important part of the sale price and therefore protecting your intangible assets becomes exceedingly important.
§ Protecting your Know-How
Is it novel and do you want to stop others stealing the idea/invention? You may need a patent or it might be that copyright protection in its simplicity will be sufficient. In the modern day with social media enabling the flight of information around the World in an instance, it is easier than ever for an idea or an invention or even just a business name and logo to be hijacked.
Devine Law will give best advice on protecting your ideas, inventions and know-how.
§ Trade Mark and Service Mark registration
A trade mark relates to a design or logo to be applied to a trade product or invention. The trade mark may be destined to be affixed to your products as they are distributed across the Country or into Europe, Asia or the USA. Building your brand involves getting the brand in to the public eye. Protecting it before you do so is more important than many realise.
A service mark is the equivalent of a trade mark, but as applied to a service provider. In order to distinguish itself from others, a supplier of services can embrace a service mark that will usually take the form of a distinctive business name and logo. This becomes the business brand just as much as the trade mark is the brand for the product or invention. Service marks are linked to a category or categories of service and can be differentiated and registered by reference to design and colour.
Dependent upon your anticipated market territory, the trade and service marks can be registered in one Country, Europe-Wide or across a number of countries. Costs of the application will be commensurate!
The Patent Office maintains the registers of Trade Marks, Service Marks and Patents and applications can be made direct through the Patents Office, although with a complex application help may be needed.
The Intellectual Property department at Devine Law will guide you through the issues and help you protect some of your most valuable assets.
§ Licensing your IP to others
Beware the unwary! Don’t give your know-how away without proper reward! Protect yourself against misuse of your IP and ensure that you never lose control or ownership. A license may be a simple document but the import of it will be far reaching.
§ Royalties
It is always difficult for someone new on the block to decide how much they should ask for in relation to the exploitation of their idea or invention by another party. Market research is helpful and the local Chamber of Commerce will be a valuable aid and can often give guidance or put you in touch with someone who can help.
Our team has the knowledge to direct you and advise you so that your final decision is well-informed.